Friday, May 16, 2008

4 more girls go to high school

For those of you still wondering what ever happened with the Puddlejumpers Easter fund raiser here is your answer. With the great turn out, we were able to send 4 girls to high school in China! I am very happy with the results of the day. I hope everyone who came and participated thinks of the happiness they caused whenever they look at their pictures. I will be doing the same fund raiser next year and hoping to increase the amount of girls we send to school who otherwise would not be able to go. Put it on your calendars for next year and tell your friends. 
Thanks !!!

new 2008 senior models

I had a great time with my models for this year down at the beach the other day. We spent about an hour and got some fun new shots. Looking forward to this season and what you all might come up with for new and exciting spots for your pictures. Get creative! 

Senior Models Video '08