Friday, February 20, 2009

Sunshine Foss Photography Spring Portraits Event

I will be at Puddlejumpers in downtown Exeter on March 22nd from 10:30-2:30 to kick off the Spring Portraits Event. The session fee of $85 dollars will be waived for this event. To accommodate those who are unable to make it to the Sunday event I am extending the free session through Friday March 27. If you want to have your pictures in time for Easter please tell me or puddlejumpers at sign up.

Call Puddlejumpers to reserve your spot for Sunday at 603-778-9333.
email Sunshine Foss Photography for a Monday through Friday spot at 

This event was created to put girls in rural China through high school that would not otherwise be able to go. These girls come from impoverished families and have scored extremely high on tests to enter High School. The tuition for school is $300 a year and families in these areas income is LESS than $266 a year. One of the four girls who is supported by this event has a yearly household income of only $79. After going to China and photographing some of these girls I was inspired to do this event every year. Last year together we were able to raise enough money to send 4 girls to school. My goal is to repeat this success this year. 

If you would like to learn more about this cause go to
If you would like to see more of my work go to

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Senior Models Video '08